Why You Should Blog For Your Business

blogging for business

At Business for Business Networks we are huge supporters of business blogging! We encourage our members to send links to their blogs, or if they don’t have one we are happy to post articles on their behalf on the Business for Business Networks website.

Business owners wonder what specifically business blogging is. Business blogging is marketing to get more online visibility (essentially popping up more and more frequently on social media, search engines and driving traffic back to the main website). All the blog needs to be is a piece of short form content related to your business. It is important to realize that this isn’t and will never be a primary revenue source, it is marketing to support growth.

Market visibility results because more website pages mean more chances to be found in search engines. Blogs create website pages but keep them in a neat section of your business’ website so it doesn’t get cluttered, keeping a user friendly experience. Every new blog article is a new opportunity to pop up in a search, and drive traffic back to your business. To help the traffic on your blog turn into leads have a call to action button (“buy now”, “subscribe” etc. links) at the bottom of your blog page.

Good blogs create a sense of authority by answering common questions, and creating helpful content for their target audience. This generates authority and word of mouth as the articles get shared. Good word of mouth is everything! It also creates a sense of trust because people feel as if you’ve helped them before they ever actually bought anything or reached out to you. Blogs never expire, or go away unless you delete them so they can generate leads for years to come (70% of traffic generated is from older posts, not within the month). Blogs are also a great way to test the waters with ideas or campaigns before going whole hog with them.

At Business For Business Networks we believe in the power of business blogging. Whether you are a veteran business blogger, dabbling, or just getting started, we encourage members to submit their articles and grow!